Monday 17 August 2015

Making friends from around the world: Making friends from around the world: Hello

Making friends from around the world: Making friends from around the world: Hello: Making friends from around the world: Hello : Hi I've not been on for a while x my grandson is over seven months old now he's such a...

Making friends from around the world: Hello

Making friends from around the world: Hello: Hi I've not been on for a while x my grandson is over seven months old now he's such an adorable little boy xi don't get to see ...


Hi I've not been on for a while x my grandson is over seven months old now he's such an adorable little boy xi don't get to see him as much as I'd like to but he knows I love him, I've spent abit of time in hospital but no trim as much as last year so that's good x
My son and grandson x

Saturday 18 July 2015

My grandson is six months old already he's such a happy little boy x

I've not been on for a while my family are all growing x my youngest has just passed his motor bike test x I'm looking forward to seeing my grandson on Tuesday 

Friday 15 May 2015

Hell hope everyones ok

Im seeing my grandson next eek and i cant wait itd about four weeks since i lastsaw  him , hes changed so much x its the middle of tje year already time seems to be flying by x heres a lovely pboto of my grandson jack x

Friday 30 January 2015

My new grandchild

My grandson xx 
I love my grandson so much he's so cute and adorable